TransCanada Institute (TCI) closed down in the summer of 2013. Its research agenda, which was launched in 2005 before the TCI building was yet established, was facilitated by the Canada Research Chair Tier in Critical Studies in Canadian Literature (2005-2012, 2012-2013), a Canada Foundation for Innovation grant, many SSHRC grants for its conferences and workshops, the Canada Council and, last but certainly not least, the University of Guelph. I am deeply grateful to these institutions for the opportunity they offered me to establish and direct TCI.
TCI’s various research and cultural projects were made possible thanks to the involvement of a large number of many fellow scholars from Canada and overseas, graduate and undergraduate students, writers and artists, and technical and administrative personnel. You are too many to list here individually, but I would like to extend my deep thanks for your support to all of you.
Closing down TCI doesn’t mean the end of the TransCanada project.
Stay tuned for the fourth TransCanada conference!
Smaro Kamboureli
Avie Bennett Chair in Canadian Literature
Department of English, University of Toronto